Ethiopia Mission Trip – Tuesday

Hello from the great country of Ethiopia! As of tonight we have seen 10,481 professions of faith in this country which is so open to hear and receive the gospel of Jesus Christ. This trip has not been devoid of obstacles and hindrance of the enemy but Praise God, Greater is He than he is in the world. Today one group went street preaching while another group went to the prison. We were able to present the gospel on the women’s side and one of the pastors preached to the men’s area.

Tonight we went to a small church in one of the villages and the glory of God came down on that place. It was a small one-room structure with no lights down a very dusty road but the people were so responsive!

Tomorrow we leave Awassa and return to Addis Ababa and will then go to the school, the orphanage and the printing press on Thursday.

Please continue to pray for us for our health, our safety and that sill more people can be reached. To God be All Glory!!